A short guide to knowledge base articles

A Short Guide to Knowledge Base Articles

Knowledge is power, and in the digital age, the way businesses harness and share that knowledge can be the difference between success and obsolescence. This is especially true for startups, where information changes frequently and speed is of the essence. Enter the Knowledge Base (KB) – an indispensable tool that every startup should consider integrating into its operations. At the heart of every knowledge base are its articles. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to craft compelling, clear, and useful KB articles and why they’re crucial for your startup’s growth.

What is a Knowledge Base?

A Knowledge Base is a centralized repository where information is stored, organized, and accessed. It’s the go-to place for users to find answers to common questions, learn how to use a product or troubleshoot issues. For startups, a KB can serve multiple audiences including employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

Why a Startup Needs a Knowledge Base

  1. Customer Support: A robust KB can significantly reduce the volume of customer queries. When customers can easily find answers to their questions, it leads to increased customer satisfaction and reduced support costs.
  2. Employee Onboarding: For growing startups, bringing new employees up to speed is crucial. A KB can serve as an onboarding tool, providing new hires with all the information they need to understand their roles and the product.
  3. Centralized Knowledge: Startups evolve rapidly. A KB ensures that changes in procedures, products, or policies are documented and available to all team members in real-time.
  4. SEO Benefits: Public-facing KB articles can boost your startup’s SEO, driving organic traffic and showcasing your company’s expertise.

Writing Effective Knowledge Base Articles

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you begin writing, identify who will be reading the article. Is it a tech-savvy user, a new employee, or perhaps someone unfamiliar with your industry? Tailor your language, tone, and depth of information accordingly.

2. Start with a Clear Title

Your title should be straightforward and descriptive. For instance, instead of “Issues with the App”, opt for “Troubleshooting App Login Issues.”

3. Use a Structured Format

  • Introduction: Begin with a brief overview of what the article will cover.
  • Body: Use subheadings to break down the information. Bulleted or numbered lists are great for step-by-step instructions or key points.
  • Conclusion: Sum up the main points and provide links to related articles or resources.

4. Keep It Concise

Aim for clarity over verbosity. Your readers are looking for quick answers. Avoid jargon, unless it’s industry-specific and widely understood by your target audience.

5. Use Visuals

Screenshots, infographics, and short videos can greatly enhance understanding. If you’re explaining a process within a software, annotated screenshots can be particularly helpful.

6. Update Regularly

A KB is a living entity. As products change, new issues emerge, or company policies evolve, your KB articles should reflect those changes.

7. Include a Feedback Loop

Allow readers to provide feedback on articles. This can help you identify gaps in your content or areas that need clarification.

Important Considerations

  • Search Functionality: Ensure your KB platform has a robust search function. If users can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll quickly become frustrated.
  • Accessibility: Your KB should be easily accessible, both in terms of device compatibility (mobile vs. desktop) and user accessibility (consider users with disabilities).
  • Categorization: Group related articles together. Whether it’s by product, feature, department, or issue, logical organization aids in navigation.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent style and format across all articles. Consider developing a style guide to ensure uniformity.


For startups, establishing a well-structured Knowledge Base is an investment in future growth. Not only does it streamline internal operations and reduce support costs, but it also improves customer satisfaction and trust. By crafting clear, concise, and user-friendly KB articles, startups can ensure that both their team and their customers have the tools they need to succeed.

Remember, your knowledge base is a reflection of your startup’s commitment to transparency, education, and user-centricity. Invest the time and resources into building it right, and it will undoubtedly pay dividends in the long run.

Sid Varma

Sid Varma is the co-founder of Syren Cloud and Founder of AllyMatter.com and writes here at allymatter.com. He is an expert marketer and has built Syren Cloud to over 400 people so far. He is passionate about building processes and documentation to help businesses scale on the power of repeatable documented processes.

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